Sunday, January 30, 2011

Officially a 20-Something

Another week has passed here in Boston and it ended the same way as the others, a fun weekend traversing the new city I call home.

For the first time since leaving for college, which has only been a year and a half, my parents were able to come see me for a night. I turned 20 on Thursday, January 27 and my parents drove into the city on Saturday to take the Bostonian Triforce to dinner. Which led to the first annual Bostonian Movie Night.

Have you ever seen Donnie Darko?
Because I have. Five times.
I'm still more than confused.

After an intense hour long discussion we still couldn't figure out exactly what was going on near the end of the movie, so we gave up and moved on.

Things are beginning to pick up at school now that clubs and organizations have started. I'm excited to see where this year is going to take me.

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