Friday, January 21, 2011

Bostonian Triforce

I'm sure most of you have either played Zelda, specifically the Ocarina of Time, watched someone else play or at the very least know of it. If not please improve your life by playing it or at least checking it out, even if you can't actually play - like me.

Not that any of that has to do with the city of Boston itself, but more about the people I am able to hang out with now that I'm no longer living in North Carolina. Back in my New England hometown I have a crew of people, seriously we call ourselves the Crew, that I spend the majority of my time with. Now that I am no longer 800 miles away this fact remains the same.

Tonight I was able to hang out with two of my best friends in the wicked city of Boston.

After a tiring week (the first week of class) and an exhausting day at the Org Fair (where as I signed up for everything like a true Emersonian) I caught the T and headed down to Kenmore Square. 

After an extremely long dinner (including a delicious dessert) and a chat in a science building I found myself waiting for the T at 11 pm in the frigid city. So what does my friend decide to do? Walk around in the snow between the tracks and create a Triforce.

Although it is from a fictional game the triforce has become part of my life because of the amazing friends I have made in the past. I could not ask for anything more from them and in all honesty? What would be a better symbol of friendship. I mean seriously.

I would just like to give a shout out to the Crew and all they have done for me in the past and all I the adventures I hope to have in the future.

To the Bostonian Triforce: may the next two and a half years be absolutely rockin'.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, they will be. P.S. Was your T ride as hilarious as mine was?
