Thursday, April 14, 2011

Revere Beach Adventure

I'm going to be real honest for a second. The city of Boston rocks. There are many reasons why, but right now I'm thinking specifically about a project I had to film a couple weekends ago. My partner and I decided that we wanted to film something on a beach. Well I knew there was a beach nearby, but I had no idea if it was going to be easy to get there (with all the equipment).
So I did a little research and realized that Revere Beach was only thirty minutes away and we could get there on the T. First we took the Green Line to Government Center and then changed to the Blue Line. The Blue Line runs from Government Center to Wonderland. I find this hilarious because of what the word Wonderland means to younger kids, and especially to people who have seen Alice in Wonderland. For those of you that haven't, it's the opposite of what Government Center would be in that kind of world.
So we take the T to Revere Beach, the second to last stop, and I was in awe. It wasn't just a small beach north of Boston, but instead a gorgeous expanse of sand and the sea. And oddly enough I thought I could just point out a lighthouse from the Cape while standing on the beach.

Now, it was freezing that day and I would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't so cold, but it's not about that. It's about the fact that I only had to travel 30 minutes on a train to reach the Atlantic Ocean and about appreciating the kind of place Boston is and the places around it.

But as the semester winds down I find myself praying for summer so I can go to the beach for real.